The Link Between Hormones, Stress, and Burnout

with Dr. Dana Gibbs


Are you feeling burnt out and can't put your finger on it? It's not all in your mind.

Dr. Gibbs and I will discuss how elevated stress levels make a mess out of your hormones and contribute to symptoms of burnout.

About Dr. Dana Gibbs

Dr. Dana Gibbs is a speaker, educator, hormone expert, board-certified ENT, and allergist. Dr. Gibbs attended medical school in San Antonio, Texas, and trained in Otolaryngology at the University of Kansas. She practiced otolaryngology in Arlington, TX, for 23 years.

Dr.Gibbs speaks online, presenting workshops introducing physicians and patients to integrative Hormone practice.

She recently retired from her ENT practice and opened Consultants in Metabolism, a direct care practice for thyroid, metabolic, and hormone management for women and men.

The practice is located in North Texas and offers live and virtual visits.

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