Work with Me

Burnout: A Manager's Call to Action

Mar 10, 2024

Happy Sunday!

I've had several calls from leaders who were curious about burnout last week.

I've noticed that folks want to wait to tackle it but think they might be able to wait it out.

That's a bad idea. Today, I'll dive into why waiting isn't practical.

Have you ever noticed a minor issue becoming a big problem? 

Burnout usually starts small, with a few minor signs.

For example, your team is always on or never takes vacation. 

And they claim it's "their workstyle."

It's tempting to ignore, but those signs can turn into something serious.

Ignoring signs is like ignoring leaks. Avoid them, and your ship sinks. 

Morale drops, and suddenly, everyone feels the weight. 

Instead of waiting for that moment. You can act early. 

Here are 3 actions you can take today.

  1. Regular Check-ins: Make them routine. These aren't just status updates; they're honest conversations. Encourage your team to share what's on their minds.
  2. Knowledge is Power: Equip your team with info on recognizing burnout. Knowledge is your best tool, and it's meant to be shared.
  3. Talk about it: Normalize conversations about employee well-being at work. Ask your team what they need and offer those resources.

Each of these strategies isn't just a task on your to-do list. It's essential to building a resilient team.

Acting early helps us strengthen our team's foundation, so when challenges hit, you’re ready.

Remember, communication is critical. 

Waiting encourages silence, and acting early promotes openness. 

You want your team to feel comfortable discussing stress before it becomes a big problem.

The benefits are tremendous. Content and satisfied employees are likelier to stick around, reducing turnover costs and ensuring a stable, experienced team. 

Who doesn’t want that?

That’s all for this week. 

If you have questions, hit reply. I would love to hear from you.

Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help:


1.Hire me to speak about wellness at your next event or retreat.

2. Book a strategy call so I can answer your questions.


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