Work with Me

Your Team Could Be Burnt Out...

Mar 31, 2024

Ever noticed your team just not being their usual selves? 

It's not just a bad day or a tough week.

You can tell it's more serious. 

Could it be burnout?

Today, I'll share my best advice if you think your team is burnt.

But how can you tell if it’s burnout and not something else?

Look for the signs.

You notice that your team, usually enthusiastic and engaged, has been missing deadlines, and the quality of work isn't what it used to be. 

For instance, a project typically takes a week and is now dragging into the second or third week with no end.

And everybody has excuses.

Or, during team meetings, you observe that your team members aren't participating.

The only person talking is you.

They're not as proactive about taking on new tasks.

During 1:1s, they show signs of exhaustion and frustration. 

And you've noticed complaints about workload and work-life balance.

First, just seeing and admitting a problem is a big step. 

These are signs if your team seems off, missing their usual energy, or not hitting deadlines like before.

Start by talking to them. 

Don't overcomplicate it.

Sit down and ask, "How are you"?

It can mean a lot.

Ask how they're feeling, what's weighing them down, and what changes they believe could help.

This first step is about listening.

The next step is to look at the workload. 

Are there things that can wait? 

Can some tasks be shared or handed off to someone else? 

Spreading out the work can take some pressure off.

Think about making work hours more flexible. 

Let some folks work from home or change their hours to when they work best if you can.

Encourage breaks and time off. 

Push your team to take their full lunch break, not eat at their desks, and log off at the end of the day. 

Understanding what's wearing your team out and catching those warning signs early is vital. 

These actions demonstrate that you value your team's well-being and work-life balance.

If you think someone is burnt out.

Start the conversation.

You don’t have to have all the answers.

But waiting around isn’t a talent retention strategy.

Trust me, your team will thank you.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready to build a burnout-free culture. Here are two ways I can help you:

  1. Boost your team’s profitability and well-being through a customized 1:1 presentation.
  2. Increase staff engagement through a strategy call






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