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Are You Burning Out Your Team? Signs To Look for...

Jun 11, 2023

Imagine the following:


You step into your office Monday morning and say “morning,” and nobody wants to discuss their weekends. There's no small talk, but everyone says they are "fine"  Your team members hunch over their desks, their energy levels visibly depleted, but they’re coming in after the weekend. There is silence if you’re in a virtual meeting, and nobody has their cameras on. 


The once vibrant atmosphere has been replaced with weariness and disengagement. You can't help but wonder, "What's happening to my team?"


As a leader, you want your team to thrive and achieve their best. But in the relentless race of deadlines, targets, and endless to-do lists, it's easy to overlook the subtle signs of burnout that silently creep into your team's lives. 


You don't want to be the cause of their exhaustion, but how can you know for sure? Here are 5 signs to look out for on your team.


Have you noticed your once creative and innovative team members needing help to bring new ideas to the table? And are you the only one talking in team meetings or coming up with ideas? That’s never a good sign. Burnout can zap their motivation and hinder their ability to think outside the box. You should be concerned if all you hear is that your ideas sound “great,” but you know the best ideas always come from the team. 


Are conflicts and tension on the rise within your team? Is everyone on edge and playing the blame game? You know, the one where it’s everyone’s fault. Burnout can strain relationships and create a toxic atmosphere.  Burnout can make even the most patient individuals more irritable. When team members are overwhelmed and emotionally drained, they may have a shorter fuse and be more prone to react negatively to minor issues or misunderstandings. Small disagreements can quickly escalate into heated arguments. When team members are overwhelmed, any perceived criticism or feedback can be magnified, triggering defensive reactions. 


Are you witnessing a revolving door of talent and a spike in sick leave? Do your teammates seem disengaged and dissatisfied, or are they leaving the company altogether? Take note if your team has never experienced high turnover. Suddenly, every week it feels like someone else quit.  Burnout breeds discontentment and a desire for change. Constant stress and fatigue can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illness and experiencing a higher frequency of physical ailments. If folks are quitting without notice, then you might have a problem. Burnout drives good people away and leaves gaps that are challenging to fill.


One big sign is to pay attention to how your team shows up at work. For example, they frequently arrive at work looking disheveled and tired. When previously, they used to be neat and look refreshed. Instead, they have dark circles and mention difficulty sleeping because of headaches or anxiety. Those are never good signs.


Recognizing these signs of burnout is the first step toward finding a solution. You can create a healthier and more resilient work environment by addressing the underlying causes and implementing strategies to support your team. 


Remember, as a leader, your team's well-being is your responsibility.


That’s all for this week. 


Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford


PS.  Want to help your team avoid burnout? Grab this FREE self-care guide: here.

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