Work with Me

Employee Retreats: How To Turn Time Into Money

Aug 06, 2023

Employee retreats have long been viewed with skepticism by some, often regarded as a waste of time. 


I get it.  We’ve all been there. You spent hours and left with no new knowledge or skills.


It doesn’t have to be that way. 


Today, you will learn, when done properly, how retreats can turn time into money.


Some leaders  say they disrupt workflows. 


It's a common concern that taking employees away from their regular responsibilities for a retreat disrupts workflow and slows down productivity. 


But, what if the retreat is strategically planned and aligned with your team's goals?


Or if the retreat was used to create goals with your team. Retreats should create clarity.


By taking a brief step back from daily tasks, your team can recharge their energy, gain fresh perspectives, and return with renewed focus. 


Some believe that retreats are just for fun.


They’re partially right, retreats should be fun and educational. 


Retreats should blend enjoyable activities with skill-building workshops. When thoughtfully designed, they become a powerful platform for personal and professional growth. 


Engaging workshops, team-building activities, and open discussions can lead to stronger bonds, improved communication, and heightened motivation.


To get this outcome, you need a skilled external facilitator.  


Others say retreats are too expensive. πŸ’ΈπŸ’­


Budget constraints are always a consideration, but remember, employee retreats are an investment in your team's well-being. 


Can you afford to be where you are right now in the next 6 or 12 months? 


Improved team dynamics, reduced turnover, and increased productivity are all valuable outcomes that can far outweigh the initial expense. 


How do you get those outcomes? 


Start with the basics of 1) clearly defined objectives 2) team building activities with purpose and 3) actionable takeaways.


Finally, leaders often tell me that retreats “aren’t relevant to our industry.”πŸ­πŸ’Ό


On the surface, it may seem that way, but a well-designed retreat can adapt to any industry's needs.  


Whether it's a private physician practice, a technology firm, or any other industry, the core principles of teamwork, communication, and leadership are universal. 


It’s not enough to attend a retreat but your team must apply the knowledge learned.


Employee retreats are not just a luxury but a strategic necessity in nurturing a high-performing and harmonious workplace. 


I love hearing from you. What’s the favorite retreat you have attended?


Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:


1. 1:1 workshop and speaking (PAID): this will teach you the proven system I use to help teams reduce burnout.


2. The self-care guide (complimentary): A multi-step guide for you to master self-care.


3. The podcast (free): Download to get self-care tips and valuable advice from  200+ physicians. 






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