Work with Me

Leaders, How Do You Handle Stress? 🤔

Aug 21, 2022

Leaders, your team is watching.  



Especially during this time of layoffs and the great resignation.


How are you handling the stress that comes with your job? 


How do you handle an unexpected outcome? Do you yell? Do you break things? 



Leaders, how you respond to a situation can make or break the relationship you have with your team.


Your team needs to know that their leader responds, not reacts. 


Having a level head brings clarity and helps to generate creative solutions to problems.


How can you develop your leadership through selfcare techniques?


One way is through breathing exercises. 


When we get an unexpected negative result, our minds rush towards panic. 


We enter into fight or flight mode. 


Taking a few moments to start a breathing exercise can reduce your stress level.


The impact can be felt in as quickly as 2 minutes. 


Simply taking a few deep breaths decreases the heart rate, relaxes the muscles, and helps bring clarity. 


Why is this important? 


Because your team is watching you.


You have to model what you expect from your direct reports and others.


How you respond helps keep the team unified as you work towards a common goal. 

So next time you feel the need to shout or respond with an angry email.


Take a few moments to breathe and walk away from the computer.


Your team is watching.


Always wishing you the best,


Dr. Beckford


PS. Know a company that needs help retaining employees and wants to increase productivity? Book me to speak at your next event or contact me here so I can organize a selfcare for productivity workshop.

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