Work with Me

Are You Too Busy?🤔😟

Sep 25, 2022

Busyness is a badge we proudly hold on to, but we must reevaluate.


Deadlines, endless meetings, and excessive stress will rob you of creativity. 


Creativity is needed to solve problems.


But if you are always busy, then you aren’t solving problems. You might be creating them.


When was the last time you took a break to free your mind?


When was the last time you stopped long enough to hear YOUR thoughts without the input of others?


To be a great leader, at times, you have to step away.


  • Step away from the chatter.
  • Step away from the constant judgments.
  • Step away from mental clutter.


Stepping away is one of the best ways to solve hard problems.


Instead of embracing busyness, let’s embrace hard stops.


  • Take a hard stop to embrace clarity.
  • Take a hard stop to embrace exploration. 
  • Take a hard stop to embrace childlike curiosity.


The solution might be closer than you think, but you are too busy to see it.


Always wishing you the best,


Dr. Beckford



Whenever you're ready, there are two ways I can help you:


1.  Book me to speak at your next company retreat or conference.

2.  Book me to do an organizational selfcare workshop.






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