Work with Me

No Bad Habits Here!

Jan 14, 2024

You're 2 weeks into 2024.

Bad habits are back, and most people have forgotten their resolutions.

Leaders, don't let that happen to you.

Especially around employee well-being.

You still have a great chance to create a culture where your team thrives.

Here are five strategies you can consider right now.



Empathy is the heartbeat of employee well-being. Move beyond corporate jargon.

Show empathy. What does that look like? 

Ask questions.  Listen. Implement feedback. 

Start in your 1:1s with non-work questions.

Don’t dive right into work.

Genuinely care for those on your team.

Everyone desires to feel seen, heard, and valued.


Practice Perceptive Leadership

Perceptive leadership involves being aware of the thoughts and feelings of those around you and reacting in a helpful way.

Especially when colleagues are uncomfortable, stressed, or overwhelmed. 

Tune into your team's mental health pulse, recognizing what's not being said.

The key is understanding the subtleties and offering support where needed.

For instance, noticing a team member's change in behavior during meetings, initiating a private conversation to understand their perspective, and offering support or adjustments as needed. 

It's about tuning into your team's emotional well-being and proactively addressing concerns before they escalate. To do this well. You may need to slow down.


Don’t Be Generic

Bid farewell to the one-size-fits-all well-being approach. 

Each team member is a unique contributor with distinct needs. 

Ask your team what they need to thrive. Never assume that you know what's best for them. 

So consider tailoring your approach. For some, this might mean allowing them a different schedule.

So they can pick up a child or attend a class. Always try to see if you can accommodate the request if it is reasonable.


Be Proactive

Guard against burnout by being vigilant for early signs.

Watch for diminishing performance, unusual absences, or waning enthusiasm can be indicators. 

Don't wait until somebody gives notice before you step in. Well-being should be a topic in all your meetings and 1:1s.  It shouldn’t only be on the list for HR.


Commit to employee well-being.

Well-being isn't a one-time affair.  Move beyond token gestures like pizza parties or casual Fridays.

Establish a comprehensive wellness program and anti-burnout program.  This means putting it in the budget every year.

And not waiting until there’s a flurry of resignations to take action. 

Make this year that you create the conditions for your team to thrive at work and beyond.

Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford


P.S Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help:


  1. Hire me to speak about wellness at your next event or retreat.
  2. Book a strategy call so I can answer your questions.




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