Work with Me

Psychological Safety: A 5-Step Guide For Work

Jan 21, 2024

Ever wondered why some teams are high-performing without burnout?

It comes down to psychological safety.

But what is it?

Harvard Business School professor Dr. Amy Edmondson refers to the shared belief that a team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking. 

It's about creating an environment where team members feel secure enough to express their ideas, take risks, and be themselves without fear of retribution.

Leaders who understand this concept work hard to create it in their teams.

This is also an excellent tool to help prevent burnout on your team.


When team members feel supported, heard, and valued, they're more likely to communicate stressors, collaborate on solutions, and collectively contribute to a positive work environment.

In workplaces without psychological safety.

Employees may hesitate to voice their opinions for fear of judgment.

They're also afraid to take risks.

This lack of safety can lead to a toxic work environment marked by high stress, low morale, and reduced productivity. 

Nobody wants that. 

Here's how to create a psychologically safe workplace in 5 steps:

  1. Lead by Example:  demonstrate vulnerability as a leader. Share your challenges and learnings openly. Practice saying "I don't know" or asking for help.


  1. Welcome Communication: create an atmosphere welcoming opinions and ideas. Even if they're different from yours.


  1. Don't be too hard on mistakes:  frame mistakes as opportunities for growth. Emphasize that learning from mistakes is a valued part of the process.


  1. Ask for Feedback: Make sure feedback goes both ways. Not just down. Ask your team what they want you to stop, start or continue.


  1. Be Real: Spend the time building authentic connections with your team. Operate from a place of curiosity, care, and empathy.


Use these tips to create cultures where employees feel empowered to speak up, share ideas, and express concerns without fear of reprisal. Spend the time creating a safe environment.

It's well worth it. If you're not sure where to start. I'm here to help.

That’s all for this week.

Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford


P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help:

Hire me to speak about wellness at your next event or retreat.

Book a strategy call so I can answer your questions.






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