Work with Me

Struggling with Team Burnout? SDT is The Answer

Feb 04, 2024


Ever felt like you're fighting a losing battle against burnout in your team? 

You've tried everything, but nothing seems to work.

Here's a science-backed concept that you can try.

It's called the Self-Determination Theory (SDT).

If you never tried it. 

Here's how it works.

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) was developed by psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan. 

There are 3 principles you need to understand and incorporate in your leadership style.


This involves the need to feel in control of one's actions and choices, allowing individuals to act in harmony with their true selves.  

For instance, allow them to choose the methods or tools they find most effective for a project. 

This autonomy instills a sense of trust and responsibility, reducing feelings of being stifled.

Providing flexibility and trusting them with decision-making creates a sense of autonomy, reducing the likelihood of burnout.

How can you do it?

One way is setting clear role expectations and structuring jobs to make work more manageable and engaging. Team members aren't just executing tasks; they're architects of their work. 

The result?

Heightened job satisfaction, increased motivation, and a genuine sense of ownership.


Individuals have an inherent desire to feel capable and effective in their activities. 

Providing opportunities for skill development and recognizing achievements fulfills this need. 

If an employee excels in a particular area, assign tasks that allow them to leverage and further develop those skills. 

Recognize and celebrate your employees' achievements and milestones. 

Offer opportunities for skill development and provide constructive feedback. 

When individuals feel capable, it enhances their confidence and job satisfaction, reducing burnout.


This refers to the need for social connections and positive relationships. 

Creating a supportive and collaborative work environment satisfies the need for relatedness.

Encourage team-building activities and create a supportive workplace culture. 

Create positive relationships among team members through regular check-ins or collaborative projects. 

When employees feel connected and supported by their colleagues, it contributes to a sense of relatedness, protecting against burnout.

(SDT) will help you with a framework for understanding the psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the workplace.

The benefits of SDT go far beyond preventing burnout. 

They reshape your team into a powerhouse of engaged, competent, and connected individuals. 

If you want help thinking through your burnout prevention strategy, I'm here to help.

That’s all for this week.

Wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help:

  • Hire me to speak about wellness at your next event or retreat.
  • Book a strategy call so I can answer your questions.





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