Work with Me

Yerkes-Dotson Law and Burnout (What You Need To Know)

Apr 14, 2024

Happy Sunday, Leaders!

Ever heard of the Yerkes-Dodson Law?

Psychologists Yerkes and Dodson introduced it.

It explores the link between arousal and performance.

Here's the thinking behind it and how it can enable high performance.

The law depicts a bell-shaped curve.

On this curve, performance peaks at moderate arousal.

Too little arousal leads to underperformance.

Too much stress turns into burnout.

But why should managers care about this curve?

Understanding the Yerkes-Dodson Law is critical for managers because it directly impacts the organization's bottom line.

When teams operate at the optimal level of challenge, productivity soars, deadlines are easily met, and standards remain high. 

This translates to increased efficiency, faster project completions, and greater profits for the organization.

Simply put, it’s crucial for optimizing team output.

Finding the right stress level can boost efficiency.

There is too little challenge, and the team might not operate optimally.

Too much, and you risk overwhelming them.

Why does this matter?

Understanding how this works can help with task delegation.

You can line up assignments based on individual abilities.

This not only prevents stress overload but also boredom.

You must monitor workloads to ensure they are evenly distributed among team members.

Avoid overloading specific individuals (exceptionally high performers) while others have lighter responsibilities.

Ensure employees have an appropriate level of challenge and deadlines that create a sense of urgency but not overwhelming pressure.

Avoid giving overly easy or too many complex tasks, as both can negatively impact performance.

In practice, start by assessing your team's current load.

This requires observation and adjustment.

To be clear, understanding the Yerkes-Dodson Law isn't just about avoiding burnout; it's about maximizing the potential of every team member for the benefit of the entire organization.


That's all for this week.

Have a question? Hit reply; I love hearing from you.


Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford

P.S. Whenever you’re ready to build a burnout-free culture. Here are two ways I can help you:

  1. Boost your team’s profitability and well-being through a customized 1:1 presentation.
  2. Increase staff engagement through a 1:1 session.  





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