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5 Leadership Mistakes That Kill Team Culture

Apr 30, 2023

Picture this: you're working for a company where people are constantly quitting, everyone is unhappy, and the culture is awful. What's the cause? You guessed it, more often than not it's leadership.

 I read somewhere that people don’t leave their jobs; they leave managers. Today, we will discuss the top 5 leadership mistakes that kill your company culture and how to avoid them.


Whether you're a CEO, manager, or team leader, these tips will help you become the rockstar leader your team needs.


So, let's dive in and look at the top 5 leadership mistakes that can harm your company culture.


Ghosting Your Team: Like dating, ghosting is a big no-no in leadership. If you're not giving your team regular feedback, it can make them feel like they're in a one-sided relationship. Schedule regular check-ins with your team, give timely feedback, and be present in their work lives. It makes a difference.


Favoritism: When the leader plays favorites and treats certain employees better than others, it creates a toxic "us vs. them" mentality. Favoritism can manifest in many ways, such as giving certain employees preferential treatment for promotions or assignments. It can also be seen in how a leader communicates or interacts with employees, showing more attention or interest in some employees while ignoring or dismissing others. Here is how to spot it. Do you ALWAYS ask the same people or take on stretch assignments? Think about it.


Micromanagement: Nobody likes a leader who breathes down their neck all day. Micromanaging can cause a lack of autonomy, creativity, and low morale, as employees feel they are not trusted to handle their work. Give your team the freedom to do their job, provide clear expectations, and trust them to complete the work. Set the direction but fight the urge to manage every single detail. Otherwise, how will they grow and develop new skills? 


Lack of Appreciation: Everyone likes to feel appreciated for their hard work. If you're not acknowledging your team's efforts, it can make them feel like their work is going unnoticed. Each meeting should start with a moment of joy. Make it a habit to say thank you every day. A simple thank you, a public recognition, or a small token of appreciation can go a long way in boosting morale and building a positive work culture.


Not Leading by Example: Not practicing what you preach can lead to a lack of trust and respect within the organization. Here is how to flip it. Demonstrate the behaviors and values you want to see in your team and hold yourself accountable. If you care about work-life balance, make it ok for your team to take days off without “checking in.” They will follow your lead.


You can retain top talent by avoiding these leadership mistakes while building an amazing culture. What would you add? Hit reply.


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Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford




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