Work with Me

Ask For Help!🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

Jul 17, 2022


Asking for help is not a sign of weakness!



This message is for those who want to always do things by themselves.


You know them, the  “I never need any help, crew.”


Here is a crazy idea.


Ask for help when you need it.


Allow others to do things for you. 



So many times, our pride can get in the way.


Always thinking, "I can do this by myself," can lead to frustration.  


Frustration from running out of time,  frustration from not getting it done properly.  


Frustration from others watching you struggle. 


Not everyone will help, but you are more likely to get help if you ask.


Repeat after me, asking for help is not a sign of weakness!


Here are a few ways to ask for help.


  1. Start with determining WHAT you want help with.


  1. Determining HOW that person can help you.


  1. Reach out to the person.


  1. Detach your emotions from the result.



So look at your to-do list, and ask for help.


Asking for help is good for your selfcare.


What are the things you can ask for help with this week?


Hit reply. I would love to hear from you.



Always wishing you the best,


Dr. Beckford


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