Work with Me

Beyond Lunch: 5 Strategic Steps for Lasting Workplace Impact

Aug 27, 2023

We've all been there – the team is stressed, morale is shaky, and everyone is on edge. 


As a caring manager, you want to do something to lift their spirits, so you come up with the idea of lunch. 


You sense their exhaustion and want to ease their burdens, even for a moment. 


So, you decide to buy them lunch – a simple yet sincere attempt to put smiles back on their faces. And it does work – temporarily. The laughter around the lunch table, the camaraderie, and the break from routine feels amazing.


But the next day you notice the team is back to it's old ways.


As empathetic leaders, you've witnessed the cycle: the initial excitement fades, and the same old hurdles resurface. 


The fleeting sense of unity doesn't mend strained relationships, and the temporary relief doesn't bolster morale in the long run. 


Here’s the deal. Work problems need more than food. 


Now, consider a different strategy – one that dives deep, explores the root causes, and ignites a lasting transformation. 


Enter the retreat, not as an escape, but as an opportunity for your team to truly heal and grow. It's not a break – it's a chance to make big changes. If your retreat is facilitated properly you'll have:


Honest Conversations: at a retreat, everyone talks. Problems come out, and ideas flow. It's a safe space to share thoughts that might never come up over lunch. The retreat environment encourages a level of sharing that lunchtime chats can't replicate. 


Strong Bonds: During a retreat, your team spends quality time together. They learn about each other outside of work, building deeper connections. It's more than just small talk at a lunch. These bonds create a network of support, combating the isolation that often fuels burnout. 


Solve Problems: Retreats mean focused time to solve problems. Your team works on finding solutions together. It's not a quick fix like lunch – it's a real one.


Skill Development: Retreats often include workshops. Your team learns new skills that make them better at their jobs. The confidence gained from mastering new skills acts as a powerful shield against burnout.


Long-Lasting Impact: What happens at a retreat stays with your team. They bring new energy and ideas back to work. It's a change that lasts – not just a temporary lunch buzz. Your team will have tools that will serve them well beyond their time at the retreat.



While lunch and festive events hold their place, they can't singlehandedly dismantle entrenched challenges. Instead, don't just do what everyone does. Try new ways to make your team shine. 


Your team's success is bigger than a sandwich – it's about making them stronger, happier, and ready for anything.


Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford


Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:


1. 1:1 workshop and speaking (PAID): this will teach you the proven system I use to help companies reduce worker burnout and retain talent.


2. Private Practice Guide (free): Get valuable insights, actionable strategies, and advice tailored to private practice owners like you.


3. The self-care guide (complimentary): A multi-step guide for you to master self-care in 30 days.


4. The podcast (free): Download to get self-care tips and learn more about the work doctors are doing inside and outside clinical medicine.






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