Work with Me

Your Email Habits: Burnout Triggers 📬

Oct 01, 2023

Leaders, let's dive deeper into the world of emails, shall we? 

Your inbox feels like it’s out of control. 

We all know they're the lifeblood of modern communication.

We send and receive them, and often, it feels like we can't escape them. 

You can’t usually control the ones you receive, but as a leader you can often control the emails you send. 

But have you ever stopped considering the subtle yet powerful impact your emails might have on your team's well-being?

Here's how you can do it.

Over the past month, pay close attention to the words you've habitually used in your emails. 

Look for those heavy hitters like "time-sensitive," "high-priority," "immediately," or “urgent.”

While efficiently conveying urgency, these seemingly innocent terms can elevate the stress on your team.

And look at the time you sent those emails. 

Let's say you're a manager who wants to assess your email communication for the past month. 

You've identified some key urgency words and want to see how frequently you've used them.

Start with the table below.

Based on this, you can calculate your total score and learn how frequently you use urgent language in your communication. 

The higher the score, the more urgency you have. 

A constant sense of urgency can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout. 

This exercise provides a clear snapshot of your urgent communication patterns.

What can you do about it?

Before hitting that send button, let's go through a quick mental checklist. 

Ask yourself, is it time-sensitive? Does this require immediate action? 

If not, consider removing the urgency words. 

Do you need to send it on the weekend?

If not, wait until Monday.

Can your team handle another to-do? 

Consider whether the timing and urgency align with their workload and priorities.

Incorporating this quick pre-send reflection can help cultivate a culture that values efficiency and well-being. 

Small shifts in your communication habits can significantly improve team morale and productivity.

Want a burnout-free culture? Start by looking at your emails.

That’s all for this week.

Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. 1:1 Consultant and Speaking (PAID): you’ll learn self-care strategies to retain top talent and reduce employee burnout. We work together 1:1 to design a customized program for your team.

2. The podcast (free): Download to get self-care tips and learn more about the work doctors do inside and outside clinical medicine.

3. The Self-care Guide (complimentary download): A multi-step guide for you to master self-care in 30 days.






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