Work with Me

Stop the Pizza Parties

Nov 12, 2023

Quick story from last week: I'm at this event, people are sharing work stories, and when I mention what I do—help companies battle burnout—everyone nods. 

They get it. 

But then the kicker: "All we get is pizza as if that fixes everything."

“Do they expect us to eat our stress away?”


Using pizza as a burnout solution is like expecting a snack to fix a flat tire. 

Don't get me wrong—I love a good slice of pizza, but here are a few things to consider before you order pizza for your team.

Not About the Food: This isn't about dissing pizza. It's about recognizing that burnout is a bigger problem that needs real solutions. It's not about what's on your plate but what's happening in the office. It's not about the food but the commitment to a healthier work environment.

Ignoring the Real Problems: Sure, pizza can be a mood lifter, but it's not dealing with the actual reasons for burnout—like crazy workloads, lousy office vibes, and stuff stressing your team. Do you want to retain your best talent? That requires hard conversations.

Need More Than a Pizza Party: The fact that pizza parties are the go-to solution hints at a more significant problem—no one's talking about what's stressing your team out. We need honest conversations, not just a pizza in the breakroom.

Before you buy more pizza for your team.

Ask yourself three questions.

How does this align with your overall burnout prevention strategy?

How many times have you ordered pizza in the last month?

Have you asked your team how they like to be recognized?

These answers will tell you a lot.

Ordering food is easier than addressing the elephant in the room—burnout-inducing workloads, lack of support, and a stressful work environment.

And let's talk about the unspoken judgment. 

Your team isn't just munching on pizza; they're digesting the message. 

They're judging the effort you put into creating a supportive workplace. 

That’s all for this week.

PS. Do you like pineapple on your pizza?

Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford

Whenever you're ready, there are two ways I can help you.

1. Grab your personalized 1:1 Session to learn wellness strategies to reduce worker burnout, improve retention, and lower healthcare costs.

2. Hire me to lead training or to speak directly to your team so you can retain talent and avoid burnout.






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