Work with Me

The Gossip Burnout Connection (It's not what you think)

Dec 10, 2023

Have you heard the whispers in the office lately? 

Probably not, unless you see people hovering over the water cooler.

And you get the feeling they're NOT saying something positive.

They quickly shift screens or stop talking when you pass by.

Gossip - it's like the office version of a campus rumor mill. 

Let's cut through the noise and figure out why it matters more than you think.

Imagine your team, at work and beyond, diving into some severe office drama. 

The negative gossip.

From the breakroom to the company Slack, they're discussing how much the workplace sucks, why managers are terrible, and their secret plans to bail.

And that the job is a burnout factory.

It's not healthy. 

It's easy to say they're ungrateful and disloyal.

And get defensive and point fingers.

But that misses the point. 

Gossip isn't just about who said what. 

It's a sign, a hint that something deeper is going on. 

It's the go-to move when trust is thin, and stress is high.

Now, here's the kicker - gossip and burnout are secret buddies. 

When your team starts whispering about workplace misery, it's not just idle talk. 

It signals that your crew might be on the edge of burnout.

So, what's a manager to do when the gossip mill is buzzing?

Whatever you do. 

Please don't ignore it. 

Try these steps.

1. Talk, Talk, Talk:

Break down the walls. Make your team comfortable enough to share what's bothering them.

2. Anonymous Feedback:

You can create a space for honest feedback without the worry of consequences. This means no email. No phone number. An anonymous info catcher.

3. Lead by Doing:

Be the manager who doesn't fuel the gossip train. Show that you value open, honest communication.

4. Listen, Adapt, Improve:

Gossip isn't all lies. Listen keenly, adjust where needed, and let your team know their concerns matter.

5. Team Building Activity

You've got to build trust. Show people HOW to have courageous conversations. Managers and leaders, building and keeping trust within your team is crucial.

Addressing gossip isn't attacking people. 

It's about attacking problems.

It's about fixing the issues that lead to gossip in the first place. 

But that requires a strategy.

If you don't have one. 

Now is an excellent time to start listening to your team.

Then, use what you hear to inform organizational strategy.

That’s all for this week.

Always wishing you the best.

Dr. Beckford

PS. Whenever you're ready, here’s how I can help you.

  1. Hire me to speak to your team about wellness strategies.
  2. Book a 1:1 time to talk more about your needs.





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