Work with Me

How to Make 2023 The Best Year EVER For Your Team!🥳🥳

Dec 11, 2022

Holiday parties are in full swing. Your team is preparing to gather with family and friends. Amidst all the festivities,  your mind may start wondering. You ask yourself, "How do I make 2023 the best year for my team?"


In 2022, you stepped up and began asking your team how you could help make them better. You asked how you can help them achieve their professional goals and even a few personal ones. You sought and provided workshops to help them deal with the common factors that lead to burnout. You created an environment where your team can share ideas in a nonjudgemental way. You have come a long way. But you wonder, how can you improve? 


Well, what is easy to do, is also easy NOT to do.  For example, ask your team members, "how are you doing this holiday season?" Easy, right, but think how often you might decide not to. 


Having a meeting where your team can give ideas and not feel judged. You have already set the tone for 2022. But unless you continue, your team might go back to bad habits.


As we approach these last few weeks of 2022. Let's continue implementing what worked, what kept our team thriving in the workplace. Let's continue providing the tools and workshops your team needs for a burnout-free 2023!



Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford.



PS. I have developed a 5 step strategy for employee burnout that will help you start 2023 on the right note. I want to work with your company. Click here to book a 15-minute call to see how I can help.






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