Work with Me

5 Dangerous Practices That Cause Burnout & What To Do Instead

Nov 26, 2023

Leaders, have you ever asked yourself, "Why isn't our burnout strategy hitting the mark?" 

Let's cut to the chase. 

It's like trying to hit a moving target blindfolded, and the toll is evident — drained employees, soaring turnover, and the sinking feeling that you’re just not getting it right. 

Burnout is a silent killer of productivity, and you’re destined for expensive problems if you don’t take action.

Here are the most common mistakes I've noticed.

Mistake 1: Early signals of burnout go unnoticed. 

Are team members suddenly quiet in meetings or showing signs of physical exhaustion? 

Use anonymous surveys to gauge employee satisfaction and stress levels. 

Provide a space for honest feedback. 

The key is doing something with the feedback so folks don’t feel like you wasted their time.

Mistake 2: Your approach is generic (and boring).

Nobody needs another pizza party or casual Friday. Personalization is key. 

Tailor your interventions. What resonates with one team might not even blip on another's radar. 

Ask the team what resonates with them. Do more of that. They’ll appreciate being asked.

Mistake 3: You're reactive and not proactive. 

You wait for burnout to rear its ugly head before acting and people quit.

Prevention is the name of the game. 

Regularly assess workloads and stress levels. 

Don’t wait for people to break down before you take action. By that time, it could be too late.

Mistake 4: Unprepared managers.

It's not their fault. 

Most managers need the tools to identify and tackle burnout. 

Training is essential. 

Arm your managers with the skills to recognize burnout and provide meaningful support. 

Provide training on empathy, communication, and mental health support.

Mistake 5: Work-life balance is in the gutter. 

Everyone is working nights, weekends, holidays, and everything in between. 

An unhealthy work-life balance contributes to burnout. 

Advocate for boundaries and respect them. Cultivate a culture that not only accepts but celebrates time off.

Addressing burnout is an art, not a science. 

Tackling burnout is an ongoing process, and the key is to be proactive, personalized, and always ready to adapt. 

By avoiding these common pitfalls and embracing tailored, forward-thinking solutions, you're not just preventing burnout but cultivating an environment where your team can thrive.

Always wishing you the best,

Dr. Beckford

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